Wednesday, April 9, 2008

U Find it

1. To set up the deck, sort all the Hearts into numerical order, Ace to King. Put them on the bottom of the deck

2. Set the deck face down on the table and ask a spectator to cut the deck, after that, tell them to look at the card they cut to.

3. Ask them to put the card on top of the opposite pile (on top of the original top card), and then ask them to complete the cut and square the cards the card neatly.

4. Now, ask them to turn the deck face up, and then ask your spectator to complete a cut again. (what u need them to do is to cut to one of the cards in the stack (face up) which u set up earlier, any heart). if you're lucky enough, they will do it the first time, if not simply ask them to cut the deck again, and if needed again.

5. After they cut to a card, in our example, 4, remember the card. And then have the deck turned face down and stare at the edge of the deck as if making some ingeniously long stupendous calculation. State their selection is 4 (the card) cards down from the top of the deck. And then ask them to deal three cards face down and turn over the fourth. It will be the card selected. It depends on what hearts they pick, if they pick 7 ask them to flip over 6 and the seventh card is theirs, Jack:11 Queen:12 King:13. Hope u like it :)))))))))

Red & Black

Effect: the magician takes his deck of cards and perform a few cuts

cut the deck into to packets. and asksthe spectators to take on packet.

the magician shuffles the DESK . Then shuffles his a few times .

he shows that the cards are black ,red , black,red etc. he puts his on the spectators and shuffles the hole deck and the hole desk is red,black,red etc

peperation: set your hole desk as red ,black,red,black etc. until your last card.

secret: so you have your deck set up.
all you have to do is to do a few fake cut or shuffles.

cut it into two halfs. now ask your spectators to take one packet.

now take the packet from then again do some fake shuffles or cuts

now take yours do some fake shuffles to yours.

take your look under eg: the card is red look at thier packet top card

Best Card Force Around


You riffle through the cards and call out stop and the spectator looks at the card they stoped at, and the bast part is the card truly came from the middle of the deck!


Start off with a normal deck of Bicycle rider back playing cards

Cut open the face down deck just above the middle

Take a look at the card you cut to

Memorize it

Move the card underneath it just under and inch towards yourself

Close up the deck


Riffle down throught the cards SLOWLY until the spectator says "STOP"

They quickly jump to the card to memorized

It should be easy because the card underneath it is sticking in towards you

P.S. It will be easier to riffle down the cards if they are on an angle

Card Switch

What it looks like:

You flip the top card, revealing the Ace of Spades. You then give this card to the spectator to hold, face down. You flip the next top card, which is the Ace of Clubs, and announce: "I'm going to switch these cards."
Your hands dart backwards and forwards, and you say: "Okay, I'm going to show you what I did, but in slow motion." So, you do it in slow motion, and quite obviously switch the cards. You then give back the Ace and say: "Okay, which one is the Ace of Spades, and which one is the Ace of Clubs?"
The spectator answers, and you ask them to show the cards to everybody, and they are two queens. This trick has made many a jaw drop, and is responsible for me being chased down a corridor by a school mate, who wanted to know how on Earth that trick was possible.

How it's done:

1. Arrange the top 4 cards like this: Ace of Spades, Red Queen, Red Queen, Ace of Clubs.
2. Flip the top card, showing the Ace of Spades, and give it to the spectator to hold face down, with his fingers on top and thumb on the bottom.
3. Do a triple lift (pick up three cards to look like 1) and show the Ace of Clubs. You then put the card face down, and take the top card (which is a queen) and slide the card under the spectators fingers and out again. You are actually doing nothing when you do this, it just feels like you switched them.
4. Do it in slow motion, and this time, actually switch them. So they have a face down Queen and you have the face down Ace.
5. 'Give them back their card.' You are actually NOT giving them back the Ace, but the other queen. To do this, get eye contact with the spectator, then slide out the Queen from the top of the deck, put the Ace on top and take the Queen.
6. So then, after giving them the queen, ask: "Which one is the Ace of Spades, and which one is the Ace of Clubs?" After they answer, get them to flip the cards, and BAM - They have changed!!!

Light Up a Card Trick

The name of a selected card "burns" itself into a normal lightbulb.

With a fine camel hair brush, paint the name of a card on a frosted lightbulb with lemon juice. Force this card on a person, then hand the bulb around for examination, place it in a socket and turn it on. The heat will cause the writing on the bulb to develop and reveal the name of the selected card.

NOTE FROM SATISH RAJA: If you don't know how to force a card, look in the "Easy Card Force 1 & 2" section of this Blog

Easy Card Force -2

Making the spectator pick the card YOU want,
while they think they’re picking the card THEY want.

Many times in a magic trick, you will need to make a spectator choose a specific card without realizing that they're picking the card you want them to pick.

Before starting the magic trick, secretly remember the top card of the deck. This is the “force card” that you will force your friend (the spectator) to choose, although s/he will think it is a "Pick a card, any card" kind of free choice.

Have the spectator lift up half the deck, and place it on the table. This is called cutting the deck. You now have two piles of cards, A and B. The card your friend will choose, the force card, is on the top of pile A. Keep track of where the force card is, and don’t forget it.

Tell the spectator you will mark where the cut was. Pick up pile B, and place it sideways on top of pile A. The pictures show how this is done.

Ask the spectator if s/he has seen the card yet, and when s/he says no, lift pile B, and have the spectator take the top card of pile A. Your friend will think this is where s/he cut the deck of cards, so when the card is picked up, they will think it is their card.

Now that the spectator has "chosen" your card, you can go on with whatever magic trick you had planned.

A simple magic effect would be to pretend to concentrate for a moment and then name the force card! Only a magician could know the value of a card without looking at it, and now you can too!

Easy Card Force -1

Easy Card Force Number One:

Making the spectator pick the card YOU want,
while they think they’re picking the card THEY want.

Once again, secretly remember the top card of deck. You will also need a scarf that you cannot see through. Hold the deck in your hand, and drape the scarf over it.

Here comes the important move. Under cover of the scarf, turn the deck upside-down in your hand. The photos are shown without the scarf. The spectator can not see it, since the hanky is covering it up, so s/he will think it is normal.

Now have the spectator lift up the top half of the deck.

Before the scarf uncovers your hand, turn the bottom half of the deck right-side up. When the spectator takes the top card off the deck in your hand, s/he will think it is the chosen card.

Flats and Rounds

Effect: The magician splits a deck of cards in half and gives each half to 2 different spectators. The Magician then asks the spectators to take any card(free choice)from their half of cards and to memorize it. Then he/she tells them to place their card into the other spectators deck. They take the halves and spread them face up on a flat surface. Then they mysteriously know which cards the spectators picked, without there being a specific pattern or order.

Secret: The secret to this trick is that there is a special order to the cards, but it isn't exactly and order. Before performing the trick, the magician seperates the deck into two seperate piles, flats, and rounds. The way to tell wich are rounds, and which are flats is that the flats(or sharps)are pointed or flat on top of the number or letter(not the pip). Rounds are rounded. Scroll all of the way down to see a reference list at the bottom if you are confused. When you place the two seperate halves together, (eg. rounds on top, flats on bottom) remember the last round before the first of the flats. For example, if your last round is the 2 of hearts, make sure to remember it!

Method: Tell your two spectators that you are going to split the deck what you think is about half way. What you are really doing is splitting to your last round so that you have your orignal piles of flats and rounds. Then give one pack to one person, and the second to the other. Tell them to pick any card from their pack and to memorize it. Once they have done that, let them swap decks(not cards!)and to place their chosen cards into the others deck. Take the decks from them and spread them face up on a flat surface. Make sure that they can see there is no special order. After only a moment, it will be pretty obvious to you whose card is whose becuase there will be only one flat in the rounds, and one round in the flats. Say some sort of patter(nothing cheesy!) and reveal that you have found their cards. They will be amazed, and you can even repeat the trick, as long as the cards are never shuffled as one whole deck.

FLATS: Ace, 3's, 4's, 5's, 7's, jack's, king's

ROUNDS: 2's, 6's, 8's, 9's, 10's, Queen's
can you see the pattern?

Note: Depending on your pack, 3's might be round

Ur Card is...

You produce a normal deck of playing cards and ask a

spectator to cut the deck anywhere they like. They remove

the card they’ve cut to without letting you see it and

concentrate on its design.

After a few moments concentration, you announce the exact

card they’ve chosen. You have read their mind!

You’ll need a normal deck of cards but you need to arrange them in

a special order. Mentalists refer to this as a stacked deck.

One of the easiest methods of stacking a deck is the Si Stebbins

system. In this system, each card has a value; a jack is valued 11, a

queen 12 and a king 13. All the other cards take their respective

value, with an ace valued 1.

The suits are also arranged in the order clubs, hearts, spades,

diamonds. The easiest way to remember this is by the word



lubs Hearts Spades Diamonds.

Start with any club, then for the next card in the stack add 3 to its

value and make it a heart. For the next card, add 3 again and make

it a spade. For the next card, add 3 again and make it a diamond.

When you’re adding 3 to 11, 12 or 13, subtract 13 to get the value

of the next card. The system repeats like this until the whole deck is


For instance, if you started with the 3 of clubs (3C), the stacked

order would be:

3C, 6H, 9S, QD, 2C, 5H, 8S and so on.

Place the cards face up as you stack them.

When displaying the deck to your spectator, make sure you fan

them and let them see the faces. Don't make a point of this – just

fan them as you say "normal deck of cards". Whatever you do, don't

say "As you can see, they're in no particular order!" Statements like

this should be implied non-verbally.

This is important later on, if the spectator tries to 'reconstruct' the

trick and work out how it was done. If they can remember you

casually spreading the cards, they'll discount any theories about the

deck being in a special order or perhaps all the same card.

Put the stacked deck face down on the table and invite a spectator

to cut the deck anywhere they like. Get them to place the top half of

the deck face down next to the bottom half. Invite them to take the

top card from the bottom deck and keep it secret.

Pickup up the bottom half of the deck, place it on the top half and

then pick up the whole deck. You now need to glance at the bottom

card on the deck and there are a couple of ways of doing this. You

can either put the cards back into their box, casually glancing at the

bottom card as you do so. Better still, hold the deck in front of you,

as if demonstrating to the spectator how to hold their card. Either

method will need a simple verbal misdirection such has "Now hold

your card up, still keeping it secret and concentrate on the design."

As they concentrate, ask them to look into your eyes. Pretend you

are looking for subtle psychological clues as to the value of their

card. Look at micro-movements in their facial muscles also.

All you need to do to name their card is work out the next one in the

sequence. So if the bottom card was the ace of hearts, their card is

the four of spades. Rather than just simply naming their card,

increase the drama and effect of mind-reading by revealing it bit by

bit. The color first, then whether it is a low, high or picture card.

Then name the card in full.

To really play with the system, you can subtly suggest that you are

about to read the wrong card. For instance, if the spectator's card is

the nine of clubs, you might reveal it in the following way:

"OK, its a black card, yes?" Look for visual confirmation.

"I'm getting an 'i' ... 'i' ... five ... a five? No, sounds like five –

its a nine, yes?"

"Definitely not a spade so it must be the nine of clubs!"

Another method of revealing the chosen card is to draw it on a

notepad. Keep your drawing hidden, then invite the spectator to turn

around their card and announce the design. You can then flip over

your notepad, revealing the same design.

This is a terrific routine and with a little thought, the Si Stebbins

stack can be used for many other mind reading effects. What’s

more, the stack is instantly ready to use again simply by putting the

spectator’s chosen card on top of the deck face down.

After revealing these first two effects, I want to address something

you might be feeling. Disappointment.

If you're disappointed to discover you're not divining the chosen

card by reading body language or subtle facial expressions, get

used to it! This is the way all mind reading illusions work.

If it were genuinely possible to read a person's innermost thoughts,

feelings or memories in that way, then the performer would be

decades ahead of the greatest psychologists in the field.

It is all an illusion. You need to sell the idea to your audience and

volunteers through your performance. This is something we'll come

back to throughout the book.

Coin Pen Key

Simply Copy and Paste these instructions onto Word and print, or memorize them

Coin, Pen, Key

1. Arrange the items in any way you want.

2. Exchange the coin for the item nearest to the right of the coin. If no item is in the right, leave the coin where it is.

3. Exchange the key for the nearest item to the left of the key. If no item is in the left, leave the key where it is.

4. Exchange the pen for the nearest item to the right of the pen. If no item on the right, leave the pen where it is.

5. Pick up the item on the far left and put it in your left pocket

6. Pick up the smaller of the two items and put it in your right pocket

7. Pick up the remaining item and put it in your shirt pocket

This is where they will end up

Key in left pocket
Coin in right pocket
Pen in shirt pocket

Heart Stop

Effect: A spectator feels your pulse on your arm. Suddenly your pulse drops and then stops completely.

Secret: A tennis ball (You need this. If not experiment with different things untill you get the effect)

1. Take the tennis ball and put it under your shirt in your armpit. (Make sure that the spectator doesn't see it)

2. Make the Spectator feel your pulse on your arm like this:

Im not sure that you can do the bottom one, but you can try it if your want.

3. Squeze the tennis ball (Thats under your armpit), when you want your heart to stop and release when you want your heart to start again.


Going, Going, Gone!

Today's trick will teach you how to make small objects disappear. Flat objects, like coins, work the best...don't try this trick with anything round like a ball.

EFFECT: You ask your friend to guess 'heads or tails', but before they can even guess, the whole coin disappears!

SECRET: The coin actually hides on top of your head!

METHOD: Here's how to get it there. First of all, make sure that you are standing NEXT to your spectator. You should both be facing either the same way, or perpendicular to each other. This positioning is very important for keeping the secret.

Watch the demo video, when I actually perform the vanish, all you see is my hands. Your hands and arms should be the only thing in the field of vision of your spectator. If they can see your head...they may figure the trick out.

Hold your left hand out palm up (as if you were asking for money!) and hold a coin with the thumb and fingertips of your right hand. (Feel free to switch hands if you're more comfortable the other way.)

Tap the coin on your palm up hand, but not just little taps. No way, to do this trick you need big swooping taps. In fact, tap the top of your head with the coin after every time that you tap your left hand. Make it all one smooth motion in a big arc.

Your friend will probably wonder what the heck you are doing, so before you do this trick, distract them by telling them that they are going to have to guess heads or tails.

If you say that, then the audience (your friend) is more likely to look at your left hand. The left hand is where you want your friend to look because the right hand is going to do the 'dirty work' and hide the coin. Don't let anybody see the 'dirty work' or they'll figure out the trick.

So after you've tapped your left hand (and your head) with the coin about 3 or 4 times, you're ready for the secret move. All you have to do is instead of tapping your head with the coin, leave the coin on top of your head. Don't even pause a beat...keep your motion smooth.

When you come back down to tap your left hand, close your left hand pretending like the coin is inside. Now ask your friend: 'Heads or tails'. No matter what he says, open both hands to show that the coin is completely gone!

If your friend is sitting down then he/she will not be able to see the coin sitting neatly on top of your head!

Psycho Kinetic Time

This trick does not require any gimmicks.

Props: Someone wearing an analogue watch (a watch with an long stem that's easy to manipulate quickly. i.e.: SEIKO watches)

Preparation: You need to wear a watch of your own with the wrong time.

Method: Ask your victim for his watch with an excuse like, "I think my time is wrong can I see yours for a second?" Borrow the watch for a minute and examine it look at it, state what time it has, and say, "is this the right time, I need to know." Now glance at the time on YOUR watch, and draw attention to it by setting its time. While they looking at you, set the time on YOUR watch. Your other hand is moving their stem so THEIR time moved forward 25 minutes. Now have them sandwich their watch between their hands, and ask them to pick a number from 10 through 30. Most people will pick 25 if they pick 20, they won't notice it's off by five minutes when you reveal that the hands of their watch have moved forward in time.... If they pick something below that number, tell them to make it harder, and pick a higher number. It gets them everytime... just remember to give a great patter when doing this trick. TIPS: I recommend trying to do this on nervous or shy people so they don't know what you're doing. The key to this trick is misdirection , but it's very easy to get caught.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Card in Pocket

The magician puts the whole deck into his pocket and eventually pulls out the one "freely" chosen card by the volunteer.


This is a psychological card force. First, look at either the top or bottom card in the deck and remember it.

You will force them to pick this card. Here's how it works.
Choose a or black.

Let's assume the card is the seven of diamonds. If they say red say Great! and move on. If they say black, say "Great! that leaves...Red..right"

"Okay red it is"

Now let's decide if we want it high or low. "When I snap my fingers you say high 7,8,9,10, Jack, Queen, King or low Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6"

If they say low, say Great! Low is elimanted! If they say Red, say "Great! Red it is!"
Are you getting the hang of this?

Then just have them name a few different cards in the last step. Proceed as you did above. Narrow it down to the one card.

Remember, stay excited about their choices, don't ever hesitate. Although this trick has a simple secret, it is very difficult to do flawlessly and without pause or hesitation.

In the end, pull the one card out of your pocket as you pretend to feel around the shuffled deck for it.

Voila! The seven of diamonds!

Easy Coin Vanish Magic Trick

A coin is placed onto the table and it vanishes.

Put the coin onto the table with your left hand.

Say something like "check this out" and reach over with your right hand.

Then press down on the coin with your middle, index and third finger with your hand and arm parallel with the table.

Slide the coin towards you remembering that it should be completely covered up.

Slide the coin off the table so it falls on your lap without the spectator seeing.

Touch your thumb to your middle finger as if you are picking up the coin as it reaches the edge of the table.

Keeping your fingers still closed, stare at where the coin should be as you slowly move your hand away from you back to about 6 inches from where the coin originally was.

Start moving your thumb in a circular motion as if the coin is disappearing.

Slowly turn your hand around and spread your fingers apart.

Now the rest is up to you.

The more surprised you act, the more people will believe that they have seen a real coin vanish.

Three Amigos Magic Card Trick

An Oldie But A Goodie

Remove the four Jacks from the pack and place one jack face down on the top of the pack
Start the trick by presenting three jacks and make up a story that they are three best buddies and couldnt stand being apart.

Continue to rant on on how one day the three amigos were lost in the desert and the best way to seek help was to go in different directions.The first one to get help was to come and get the others, so off they went in their different directions.

Get the spectator to place one jack on top of the pack , one jack anywhere in the middle and the last jack on the bottom of the pack.

Confirm with the spectator that he is happy that the jacks are well seperated , then get him to cut the pack ensuring that the bottom half of the pack is put on top of the other half.

(This will bring the top and bottom jack together with the previously placed jack)

The cards are then turned face up from the top off the pack eventually turning over three jacks together near the center to the spectators amazement.

Conclude your story that in the end the friends were good to their word and all lived happy ever after

Mind Mimic

Effect :
In this baffling magic routine the magician asks a member of the audience, a series of questions, a lot of them that are unique to that person. The spectator is asked to write each answer on a piece of paper and place the piece of paper in glass. At the same time, the magician is seen to be concentrating deeply, seemingly using his magic and psychic powers and writing his prediction on a separate piece of paper which he also puts in another glass. After the last question has been asked, the magician's predicted answers are compared with the spectator's answers and are found to be the same. This can get an amazing reaction from the audience as the magician is seen to be able to read thoughts by magic.

The spectator is asked a series of questions and asked to write them on a piece of paper and place the piece of paper in a glass. After each answer has been placed in the glass by the spectator, the magician asks the spectator what answer they had given. The magician acknowledges that he had also predicted that answer and placed it in his glass.

Really, the magician writes the spectators answer one question behind. The spectator has told the magician, the answer to the last question asked which the magician will write and put in his glass after asking the next question. When the first question has been asked and the spectator reveals his answer, the magician has placed his supposed prediction in another glass at the same time. What he has actually written on his paper is "carrot " which is the most probable answer to the final question that the spectator will be asked shortly. The will allow the magician to write each answer as the spectator reveals it. The spectator will be unaware that the magician is writing his answers one question behind. Take out the papers from the glasses and pair up the answers. Stand back and watch the amazed expression of your onlookers as they are amazed by your magic prowess by performing this magic trick.

Example Questions :
/Spectator's Answer /Magician's Answer
1) What is your favourite football team? /Manchester United /Carrot
2) Who is your favourite music artist? /Britney Spears /Manchester United
3)Favourite Colour? /Green /Britney Spears
4)Favourite Car?/ Ferrari /Green
5) Name a vegetable/ Carrot /Ferrari

You should find that most people will choose carrot as their choice of vegetable, however this will not always be the case. If they choose another answer then the audience will still be impressed that you have predicted the other answers. A lot of the magic atmosphere in this magic trick is due to the presentation by the mind reading magician. Be sure to practice your patter whether it be babbling on about special psychic powers handed on from a gypsy fortune teller or whatever. Just make sure that it is entertaining to get the maximum astonishment from this trick.


An Oldie But A Goodie
Mathematical discovery-- ask a person to choose a card. tell him to remember it's numerical value (ace = one, jack- = 11, queen = 12, king = 13) ---also the suit of the card.
Tell them to double the value of the card
Then tell them to add three to the total
Then tell them to multiply the complete total by five
This done ask them to concentrate on the suit
If the card is a diamond they must add one
If the card is a club they must add two
If the card is a heart they must add three
If the card is a spade they must add four
They must then tell you the final total
From it you immediately know the chosen card
The secret is to mentally subtract 15 from the given total--you will have a number of two figures- possibly three
The last figure gives you the suit(diamonds 1, clubs 2, hearts 3, spades 4.) while the first figure gives you the suit.
Example: Jack of clubs
11 doublesd is 22, add 3--25, multiply by 5--125. add for clubs--makes 127. You are told that number
Subtract 15 mentally. result 112. last figure (2) means clubs, first figure(11) means jack.

Card Trick - Spell The Card

This first secret sequence of cards will allow you to conjure up the card of your choice from any suit in the deck. In the example illustrated below, the spades have been set up in order for the magic spell trick to be performed (You could use any of the other suits set up in the same sequence).

Set the cards up in the above order so that the queen of spades is on the top of the pile when you hold them face down for dealing. You then spell A-C-E , placing one card underneath the pile for each letter of the card except for the last letter which is turned up to reveal the card you spelt.

Should you wish to successfully spell the whole deck of playing cards, then the pack should be set up in the following order .

You then spell A-C-E out loud, putting the A and C underneath the deck. You then turn the next (E) card face up to reveal the ace. You then continue on in this way until you have spelt the whole deck.


Any pack may be used. Performer turns his back. A spectator
freely selects a card, replaces it reversed in the middle of the pack,
squares the cards and lays a handkerchief over them. Performer lifts
the pack and handkerchief and a card is seen to rise from the pack
raising the fabric. This is lifted off with the covering and is found to be
the chosen card.


This effective trick depends on the fact that a pack will cut
automatically at a reversed card. This can be tested by reversing a
card in the middle and holding the pack at the tips of the fingers and
thumb of the left hand in position for the Charlier pass. Ease up the
pressure of the thumb, and it will be found that the cards below the
reversed card will fall. Complete the pass in the usual way and the
reversed card will be on the bottom of the pack.
In doing the trick lift the pack in position for the Charlier pass, and
make it, as you drape the handkerchief over the cards. You have then
simply to hold the pack upright and push up the rear card with the first
and second fingers taking the handkerchief with it. Take the card with
the fabric from above with the right hand, turn the hand over, letting
the handkerchief folds fall down over the wrist and display the card
with its face to the spectators


Effect:The performer asks the spectator to pick a card without him seeing the face and replace it in
the pack. The pack is then shuffled and the performer is apparently unsuccesful in locating the card.

After a few attempts ,the cards are thrown against a window in a fit of rage , on looking at the
window , the chosen card is seen to be sticking to it , even more surprising is the fact that the card
is on the inside of the window.

Preparation:You will need two identical packs of cards and a willing helper.


This trick should be performed in an area with a large window nearby and with the spectator facing
away from the window.

The spectator is asked to choose a card from a pack , memorise it and without showing you ,
replace the card in the pack.

The pack is then shuffled and a couple of attempts at "is this your card " tried followed by a look of
disbelief when the spectator tells you that it is not their card ( this is all part of the act as you don’t
and don’t even need to know the card).

After a few attempts you fake an angry outburst and making sure the cards are squared up , throw
the pack broadside at the window , where they will hit the window and fall to the ground except the
chosen card which is sticking to the window.

Your helper was already positioned behind the window and spectator and had an identical pack of
cards. He was able to see the chosen card and took the duplicate from his pack.

A small piece of looped sticky tape or magicians wax was attached to the duplicate card and it was
stuck to the inside of the window.

The helper should then have walked away from the window.

This trick creates a real surprise but it is important to pick up the fallen cards quickly and to pocket
the original chosen card.


Effect: The spectator is asked to sign a card and the card is placed back in the deck. and the cards
are shuffled.

The magician throws the cards at a bottle behind the spectators.

The signed card appears in the bottle.

Method: David Blaine showed the spectators a different trick before this one involving the same
spectator signing a card of the same number and suit that is forced when showing the card in the
bottle trick following after the card trick.

He then keeps the card and does another trick not involving cards and slips the card to one of the
camera men or lights crew. The guy then puts the card in the bottle while David distracts the
audience with the trick.

Then he goes on to perform the card in the bottle trick and the card is forced, signed, and the trick
is done.

He then throws the cards at the bottle and the card that was recently signed is held on to.

He then tells everyone to look at the bottle and the card is slipped in his pocket.


Effect: The magician has a card selected and signed. The card is then shuffled into the pack by the
spectator and it is the magicians job to locate it. Unfortunately , the magician cannot seem to get it
right , but after a few attempts , the magician seems to actually regurgitate a tightly folded card. It
is the spectators card , with their signature.

You need a pen and a deck of cards

Have the spectator select a card from the deck and show it to the audience.

After the card is signed, control it to the top of the deck by means of a Hindu Shuffle control or a
revolving pass.

The deck is now held in the standard dealing position in the left hand (with the chosen card at the

Get a finger break under the top card and palm it with your right hand immediately.

Flourish the rest of the deck with a one hand cut, or one hand shuffle with your left hand and offer
it to a spectator to simply mix up the cards.

Make sure the spectator starts to shuffle because some stubborn people start to shuffle through the
deck looking for their card.

Then turn your back making this move seem natural to show at there is no possible way that you
could know where the card is .

At this time you are folding the palmed card into eighths (The smaller the better) This is easy as
your back is turned you can use both hands to do this and then slip the tiny package in your mouth
between your cheek and gum.

Turn around to face the audience as the card is folded so tightly in your mouth, you can talk

Take the cards and act as if you messed up.

Turn over a couple of cards to reveal what was supposed to be their selection.

Do whatever you want , just make yourself look, bad .

As soon as people start to laugh at you , act as if your hurt , as if something inside of you is
wanting to get out.

Make the audience curious , and have the suspense build up.

As soon as they reach their peak , work the card out of your lips and and slowly spit the card out
onto the palm of your hand.

Unfold it , and watch the audience scream at the chosen signed card. It looks as if you somehow
swallowed the card beforehand and regurgitated it back up again.


Effect: A name is written on a piece of paper on a notepad by the spectator , the paper is torn off
unseen by the magician, crumpled up and placed in an ashtray.

It is then set alight.

The ashes are then rubbed on the magicians arm and the name of the person written on the paper
mysteriously appears.

Preparation:You will need a small notepad , pen , ashtray , lighter and a small piece of soap or

The spectator is asked to write the name of a person or favourite anything of theirs on a

Then too tear of the sheet of notepaper, crumple it up and place it in the ashtray, where the
magician then sets the paper alight.

The magician takes the notepad of the spectator and should be able to see the imprint of the name
written on the paper above in the next sheet of the notepad.

Looking at the pad should not be made obvious and some misdirection carried out while he
carefully takes the small piece of wax or soap and writes the name on the imprint on his arm or
hand (this will not be visible to anyone ).

The magician can then take some ash from the ashtray and rub it over the wax where it will stick
and create an impression of the spectators word to their amazement.

This is a great trick but depends on the magician creating an atmosphere with an entertaining
routine and patter about black magic to enhance the effect and create misdirection to allow him
time to pull off the trick.


Effect: (This trick requires a complete mastery of the double lift). The magician shows the
spectator, the queen of diamond son top of the deck. He then tells the spectator to hold the queen
face down between his fingers.

The performer then shows the next top card the other red queen. After several fast sneaky switches
of the cards, the spectator is told to guess which card is where?

When he turns over his hand , he realises he is holding no aces at all.

Preparation: This trick is done with a regular set of cards. Before performing the trick, put the
black ace on the bottom, preferably the ace of clubs, it is less conspicuous. On the top of the deck,
place the queen of diamonds, then the ace of spades, then the queen of hearts.

Performance: With the deck set up as above, first show the spectator the (actual ) top card. Tell
them to hold it between their fingers, face down.

Then tell them to look at the card they have, so they are sure that there was no fancy moves in play.

Using this as misdirection, prepare to double lift the next two cards once they have looked at their

Perform the double lift and show them the queen of hearts with the ace concealed.

Put the cards back on top of the deck, then remove the ace without showing them the face of the

Then pretend to switch the cards, once or twice.

After this say "OK I’m going to teach you how to do this"

This time, perform the "switch" very slowly, actually switching the cards.

(Make sure that they do not look at the ace in their hands)

Then, very quickly, making sure that they do not notice what you are doing , take the queen of
diamonds you are holding and put it on top of the deck.

Then steal the card off the bottom of the deck (Ace of clubs) and give it to them.

Then ask them to tell you where the card is.

After you hear their guess, have them turn over their hand and be amazed.


Effect: Incorporated into David Blaine's 'Ambitious Card' routine. A signed card is placed into the
centre of the deck - with a snap of the fingers the cards returns to the top. The card is again placed
into the centre of the deck, another snap of the fingers and once more the card returns to the top.

The magician now takes the end of the face-up signed card and proceeds to bend it almost double,
he turns the bent card face down, cuts off the bottom half of the deck and holds the deck at eye
level where the bent card can be clearly seen on top. Still holding the cards at eye level the
magician places the cut portion on top of the bent card, sandwiching it at the centre.

The magician holds his right hand above the cards, a snap of the fingers and the bent card passes up
through the deck and pops-up on the top, it is displayed and seen to be the signed card !

Method: Fan the deck face-up and have your volunteer select a card by touching it. As you close
the fan, cut the deck one card below the chosen card and take that portion to the top (bottom).

Turn the deck over and Double Lift the top two cards displaying the chosen card. Have the chosen
card signed on the face. Turn the 'double' over.

Openly lift off the top card and have the volunteer cut off half of the deck - place the chosen (?)
card onto the bottom portion and ask the volunteer to place his half of the cut deck on top.

Ask the volunteer to snap his fingers - turnover the top card to show that the signed card has
returned to the top !

Place the signed card to one side.
You now have two problems.

One: You must lose the card in the centre again.

Two: at the same time you must control the chosen card to a position second from the top (in order
to perform the Pop-Up card effect).

Both problems can be solved with one move.....

Hold the deck in the dealing position with a little finger break under the top card. The deck is then
held (left hand) with the deck almost at right angles to the floor, in this position use the left thumb
to split the deck halfway saying "That looks like about halfway doesn't it ?" The break held by the
little finger should be hidden by the base of the thumb.

Pick up the signed card and bring it in from the rear, giving the appearance of returning the card at
the halfway split - it is actually returned into the break held by the little finger - beneath the top
card. [This move requires much practice in front of a mirror.]

Once the card has been returned, the hands/cards are brought back to a level position.

Have the volunteer snap their fingers and with some flair and a riffle, 'double lift' the signed card
and place it out-jogged (face-up) on top of the deck.

Take the outer-end of the face up ('double') signed card with your right hand and bend it almost in
half, then turn the 'double' bent card face down (leaving it bent).

The right hand now cuts the deck (Biddle grip) and the left thumb openly slips off the top bent card
onto the bottom portion of the deck as the right hand (with the top portion) is withdrawn to the

The right index finger must keep pressure on the bent signed card which is on top of the half held in
the right hand.

Hold the left hand portion at eye level where the bent card can be clearly seen. Still holding the
cards at eye level, place the right hand portion on top of the bottom half, sandwiching the bent card
in the centre.

The left hand thumb and index finger must now take control the deck and hold down the bent
signed card, ensuring that it doesn't pop-up prematurely.

The magician holds his right index finger above the cards and asks the volunteer to snap his fingers,
at that moment the magician releases the pressure on the top card and up it Pops !!

Turn the card over, to reveal, once again, the signed card.


1. “Think of any card,” it's a wild guess but a spectator will almost always think of the Nine of
diamonds, Ace of spades, Queen of Hearts or the Six of Clubs. Have each of those cards on you in
one way or another and reveal.

2. “Pick a number between 50-100 with even different digits.” Answer: 68

3. “Pick a number between 1-1,000” Answer: 333

4. Fan a set of cards with one royal and the 4H in the center, nine times out of ten the spectator will
pick the four because it's in the center and it appears uncommon. (i.e. 7C,AD, 4H, KH, 9D)

5. Borrow a coin from someone, switch it and have them hold your coin in their hand, they bend it
with their mind! Just stick your quarter in a vice and bend it ahead of time.

Say things to help your magic like: “Let me show you something strange, I'm going to try
something, I've never done this before, It's bizarre, Do you (Did you) feel that? That's crazy, That's
scary, Can I try something with you ?”


Effect : You are walking down the street and casually pick any spectator,. You ask them to come
with you to a nearby car and pick a dead fly off the windscreen. You hold it in your hand do a few
passes with the other hand and appear to be really concentrating and the fly slowly comes back to
life to the surprise of the spectator.

Preparation :
Freeze the fly

Method :You need to catch a fly and freeze it which puts it in a temporary coma, this can be done
by swatting the fly hard enough to immobilise it then placing it in a small container in the freezer.

The fly then needs to be quickly taken to a suitable windscreen IN THE SHADE and placed there.
It is important that the car is in the shade to prevent the fly from defrosting too quickly. Then go
and find a spectator and take them back to the car which should appear to be randomly picked. The
heat of your hand will revive the fly which should soon start to move.

Freezing the fly with dry ice or even one of these aerosol canned air products for cleaning
computers is a better way of freezing the fly as it is quicker and causes less damage to the fly.


Effect: This trick was performed very well by David Blaine. The magician is seen to roll some
thread into a ball in his fingers. The thread is then placed in his mouth and he appears to swallow it.
The magician appears to be in pain , when he bares his stomach and visibly pulls the thread out
from it .

Items :
Thread , you will need two pieces of the same coloured thread .

"New skin" latex clear paint for covering cuts and grazes or other brand of latex paint. This liquid
paint is normally available from pharmacies. Make up

Method : You need to paint a one to two inch square area on your stomach with the latex .When it
dries you can pull it gently away from the skin to form a pocket .

Place one piece of thread in the pocket , leaving a small piece sticking out .

Cover the latex pocket with make up to match the colour of your skin .

The latex pocket can alternatively be made by attaching a piece of skin coloured latex that has been
cut from a halloween mask . This could be attached by using the latex paint as glue .

The performance is done by the magician rolling one of the pieces of thread into a ball and then
either pretending to place the thread in his mouth , retaining the thread between his thumb and
finger or the thread can be placed between the gum and cheek . Then he pretends to swallow the
string .

The rest of the trick depends on acting , the pain enhancing the illusion that the thread has pushed
its way through the magicians stomach .

The thread can then be pulled from the latex pocket.


The magician invites a spectator to stand near a car , he then asks the spectator to check that
the car tax disc is inside the windscreen.

The spectator agrees , the magician then places his hands over the disc and pulls it out through the
solid glass.

Preparation: This trick needs a long piece of fishing line , two identical tax discs , a car and a

Method: Attach a piece of fishing line to the tax disc inside the car and run it out to the trunk and
out to the back of the car. Have your assistant ducking down behind the back of the car holding the
line, where the spectator cannot see him.

Palming the duplicate disc, the spectator is asked to check that the disc is inside the car.

With the disc in your right hand, cover the tax disc with your hands .

This is your cue to the assistant.

He pulls the line and keeps pulling until the disc is ripped of the windscreen and pulled right inside
the trunk at the back and out of view of the spectators. Meanwhile , you pretend to struggle to pull
the disc from inside the car , hand it to the spectator and casually walk off.

It is good to really look like your putting a lot of effort into getting the tax disc through the


This trick was performed in David Blaines second special where he made the spectator sign a card ,
the card was put back in the pack and was made to appear from between two aces.

Secret: Give the spectator , the two red aces and tell them to hold them.

Fan out the deck and tell the spectator to touch a card. Square the deck up leaving their card stuck
out to be signed and shown.

This is because you secretly put the card into "palm position" when you square up the deck so you
can easily palm the card when you want to.

It must stick out of the lower corner of the pack meeting your inner thumb .

Let them sign the card and then hand them the deck , secretly palming their card.

After they are convinced that the card is well lost in the deck , ask for the two aces and sandwich
the face down palmed card between the aces , showing only the aces face up.

Tell them to hold the deck openly and start to shake the aces directly over the pack , tell them to
watch their card rise from the deck into the two aces , shake a little more loosely and the card will
appear to their amazement .


Setup: get one of those coffee machine dispensed cups that have the “personal solitaire” graphics
on the side. Remove the bottom of the cup with an X-acto knife and place it back, stack the cup
three quarters full with odd coins.

Pack the coins in and make it tight, and then pour in a little coffee. Enough to cover the coins
completely. Coffee works best because it's so dark.

Performance: Comment on how the cards on the side of the cup (graphics) are magic.

Grip the cup from the bottom and push up on the bottom, and shake the cup.

As the coins “unttlsee” the coffee will spill between the cracks and the coins appear.



A watch is borrowed, the magician does not carry anything! After showing the watch to those
nearby who notice the current time, you place the watch face down in the spectator’s hand. His
hand is closed over the watch. The magician doesn't not touch the watch again. The magician then
asks the spectator to name a number and then to concentrate on that number and the watch. He
opens his hand, turns over the watch and sees that the hands of the watch have moved that many
minutes! This trick does not require any gimmicks.

wearing an analogue watch (a watch with an long stem that's easy to manipulate
quickly. i.e.: SEIKO watches)

Preparation: You need to wear a watch of your own with the wrong time.

: Ask your victim for his watch with an excuse like, "I think my time is wrong can I see
yours for a second?"

Borrow the watch for a minute and examine it look at it, state what time it has, and say, "is this the
right time, I need to know."

Now glance at the time on YOUR watch, and draw attention to it by setting its time. While they
looking at you, set the time on YOUR watch. Your other hand is moving their stem so THEIR time

moved forward 25 minutes. Now have them sandwich their watch between their hands, and ask
them to pick a number from 10 through 30. Most people will pick 25 if they pick 20, they won't
notice it's off by five minutes when you reveal that the hands of their watch have moved forward in time.... If they pick something below that number, tell them to make it harder, and pick a higher number. It gets them everytime... just remember to give a great patter when doing this trick.

TIPS: I recommend trying to do this on nervous or shy people so they don't know what you're
doing. The key to this trick is misdirection , but it's very easy to get caught.

Twisting Arm illusion (Original effect by Shinkoh)

Unleash the power of illusion with this unique free discovery which allows you to master the secret of
arm twisting 360 degrees made famous by David Blaine , with incredible results .


After asking a spectator to copy the action of you putting your hand on the table, you are able to twist
your arm a full 360 degrees while others look at you in disbelief


Just a long sleeve shirt. everything else is impromptu.


: on the table, have your fingers pointing towards
your body. this may seem a bit uncomfortable, but the effect is well worth it , now, you should have
your fingers pointing to the left , now turn your palm up (still having the fingers pointing left) but
keep turning the hand over the same way until it is face down again.

With a long sleeve shirt, it looks as if your hand is just turned sideways to the left ( in reality, it's
twisted 270 degrees to the right).


Hand on the table (or sidewalk... wherever you want to perform).Tell him to do exactly what you're
doing and start slowly twisting your arm COUNTERCLOCKWISE.

When your fingers start to point to the left, distract him from what you're doing , say something like

"you're doing it wrong; do exactly what I'm doing!" or "maybe you should back up a bit to get a
better view of my directions."
With that , point to his hand or push him away a bit with your other hand , and do the secret move
while his eyes are concentrated on himself. When you have the secret move done , it's a simple matter
of him trying to do what you're doing again. but little does he know you're simply UNTWISTING
your arm instead of twisting it like himself.

By putting a plastic cup or hard cellophane tucked under your armpit , you can make a bone
crunching noise by pressing gently as you twist your arm to add to the effect.
This trick is very clearly explained in the Twisting arm illusion video of Meir Yedid which can be
ordered online. It will allow you to perform this fantastic illusion to great effect very quickly.

Balducci Levitation - Solution

All you do is pretend to "float off of the ground while you tippee-toe on just one foot (the
foot furthest from their view) as shown below. Believe it, or not, this looks GREAT! The
small audience can not see your supporting foot because it is hidden by three things: your
pants, the angle of the trick and your closest shoe (which hides their view of the foot being
used to "levitate" you.) You might only rise 3 or 5 inches off of the ground, but it's all in
the presentation! You will want to slowly rise off of the ground . . . wait just one second
and then drop fast. Stay up too long and they will probably figure it out.

This is what the Balducci Levitation looks like during performance. The position on the
left is the start of the illusion. The position on the right shows the climax of the levitation.

Another thing. Don't just walk up to someone
and say, "wanna see me float?" You must
first show them, say, a bunch of card tricks.
This will let you know if you can perform the
Balducci Levitation for them, or not. If they
tend to grab at the cards or seem to go out of
their way to make magic life difficult for you,
then you do not want to show them this trick.
They will blow it for you, and everyone else.
The Balducci Levitation requires a
respectable, responsive audience - people that
like, and want, to be entertained. Part of
being a good magician is knowing who not
to show a trick to - no matter how much you
want to show it to them. You show them a
few card tricks first (or something of the
like). This establishes a "magical" mood, lets
you see if they are 'in the mood' and sets
them up for the big one. After seeing a bunch
of "small" stuff they will never

suspect a levitation. This is what blows
them away! After a few card tricks, simply
have them stand together and then set up
for the illusion. "Can everyone see my
feet?" is something good to say at this
point. "Everyone watch me while I float!"
is probably the crappiest thing you could
say. Never tell them exactly what to do
(this way, they won't be trying to figure it
out before you even get started).

Practice in front of a mirror, or better yet,
in front of a video camera on a tripod. Set
the camera at eye level and perform for the
camera several times. This will help you
learn your angles much faster, and better
than a mirror. Better yet, let a friend in on
the trick and have him/her videotape your

Good luck.

Balducci Levitation - Description

The Balducci Levitation is an illusion
that can be performed almost anywhere,
anythime. It uses no wires, strings, rigs,
camera tricks, etc.

The illustrations at the right show you
the audience point-of-view.

This is a highly restrictive, angle-
sensitive trick. You have to practice
your angles over and over to get used to
them. One bad angle or position and the
illusion is blown!

In the television special "David Blaine:
Street Magic" they show everyone
having 'cows' over Blaine's levitation.
What they don't show you are the
countless times Blaine screwed the trick
up. It is easy to get a bad angle - even
more so when you're performing for
several people.

Figure 1 shows the start of the illusion.
Stand about 8 to 10 feet away from the
audience at a 45° 'backward' angle (as
shown in figure 1). You pause . . . and
then slowly start to float (figure 2). You
rise 3 to 5 inches off of the ground
before you suddenly "crash" back down
to the ground.

When performed correctly, this is about
as close to "real" magic as you'd ever
want to get.

A Quick Note About David Blaine!

As mentioned above, David Blaine is
not the originator of this illusion. He has
made the illusion popular, once again,
with his recent television special,

"David Blaine: Street Magic." The
unfortunate reality is, however, that we
never really get to see Blaine
performing the Balducci Levitation. We
watch several times as Blaine performs
it for others, but we never get to see it
for ourselves.

For the television special, Blaine
performed the Balducci levitation in
front of several different groups of
people, and the camera was there to
catch their reaction. The method he used
for this is the Balducci method,
described below. While videotaping
these various performances, the
producers keyed in on the audience
members with the most visual reaction.
After the Balducci levitation, the
producers of the show had these same
people stand by for another taping of the
illusion - this time the camera would
shoot from behind the audience
members to get a

clear view of Blaine in action. The
audience members were told that this
second performance was to show them
how magicians could use wires to
levitate. And this is exactly what
happened. A small harness and rig (just
out of camera view) was set up and
Blaine performed a standard wire-

What Blaine did was a camera trick -
known as a post-production edit. The
audience at home watched the second
(wire suspension) levitation
performance, with the audience reaction
of the real levitation edited in. It was
said, in the television special, that no
strings or wires were used to perform
Blaine's levitation. This is true, no wires
or strings are required. Unfortunately,
we never got to see Blaine's real



Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Jungle Jail - Animation film!

Plz leave ur comments!!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

David Blaines Card Through Window Trick

Effect : The performer asks the spectator to pick a card without him seeing the face and replace it in the pack.

The pack is then shuffled and the performer is apparently unsuccessful in locating the card.
After a few attempts, the cards are thrown against a window in a fit of rage. On looking at the window, the chosen card is seen to be sticking to it, even more surprising is the fact that the card is on the inside of the window.

Preparation : You will need two identical packs of cards and a willing helper.

Method: This trick should be performed in an area with a large window nearby and with the spectator facing away from the window.
The spectator is asked to choose a card from a pack, memorize it and without showing you, replace the card in the pack.

The pack is then shuffled and and a couple of attempts at "is this your card " tried followed by a look of disbelief when the spectator tells you that it is not their card (this is all part of the act as you don''t even need to know the card).

After a few attempts you fake an angry outburst and making sure the cards are squared up throw the pack broadside at the window, where they will hit the window and fall to the ground, except the chosen card which is sticking to the window.

Your helper was already positioned behind the window and spectator and had an identical pack of cards. He was able to see the chosen card and took the duplicate from his pack.
A small piece of looped sticky tape or magicians wax was attached to the duplicate card and it was stuck to the inside of the window.

The helper should then have walked away from the window.
This trick creates a real surprise but it is important to pick up the fallen cards quickly and to pocket the original chosen card.

There's a Hole in My Pocket

The Effect: Borrow a coin and have it marked. You say that you are always losing money through a hole in your pocket and then you drop the marked coin into your pocket. "What's weird", you say, "is that the hole isn't in this pocket (the one in which you dropped the coin), but in this one!" You lift up your other foot and the borrowed marked coin is there!

The Method: You need an extra coin. (Well, how did you think it was done?) Most people have a quarter on them, so let's say you want to borrow a quarter. On an "off moment", secretly place the extra quarter under your left foot. (I sometimes adjust my socks and stick it under the shoe.) Have someone loan you a quarter and ask them to mark it in some unusual way with a pen.

Take the quarter and just drop it into your right trouser pocket. Shake your leg as if you are shaking the coin into the hole and down your leg. Then say, "What's weird is that the hole isn't in this pocket (the one in which you dropped the coin), but in this one!" You lift up your other foot and the borrowed coin is there!

Then - and here's where you've gotta have guts - pick up the coin with your right hand and place it (don't drop it!) into the right trouser pocket as you pick up the other coin with the same hand. (Just switch them.) With your hand still in the pocket, look confused and say, "I'm sorry, did you lend me this or was it mine?" He'll tell you it was his and you'll return his coin (the marked one). He'll, of course, inspect the coin for the mark. It's gutsy, but it works.

Cool Psychic Card Trick

The Magic Effect:
This magic trick with cards is set up as follows. 12 cards are placed face up on the table ( using any red and black cards from the deck ) in the same pattern you see in the diagram below here. You, the magician, tell someone to secretly pick any BLACK card. After telling them to make several secret random moves, you are able to tell them which card they have moved to.
The Magic Secret:
Tell your audience member to pick any black card. Tell them to next move UP or DOWN to the nearest RED card. Next, tell them to move LEFT or RIGHT to the nearest BLACK card. Next, tell them to move DIAGONALLY To the Nearest RED card. Finally, tell them to move UP or DOWN to the nearest BLACK card. If you follow these directions carefully, your audience member will always end up on the MIDDLE CARD ON THE BOTTOM ROW.