Thursday, March 6, 2008


Effect: This trick was performed very well by David Blaine. The magician is seen to roll some
thread into a ball in his fingers. The thread is then placed in his mouth and he appears to swallow it.
The magician appears to be in pain , when he bares his stomach and visibly pulls the thread out
from it .

Items :
Thread , you will need two pieces of the same coloured thread .

"New skin" latex clear paint for covering cuts and grazes or other brand of latex paint. This liquid
paint is normally available from pharmacies. Make up

Method : You need to paint a one to two inch square area on your stomach with the latex .When it
dries you can pull it gently away from the skin to form a pocket .

Place one piece of thread in the pocket , leaving a small piece sticking out .

Cover the latex pocket with make up to match the colour of your skin .

The latex pocket can alternatively be made by attaching a piece of skin coloured latex that has been
cut from a halloween mask . This could be attached by using the latex paint as glue .

The performance is done by the magician rolling one of the pieces of thread into a ball and then
either pretending to place the thread in his mouth , retaining the thread between his thumb and
finger or the thread can be placed between the gum and cheek . Then he pretends to swallow the
string .

The rest of the trick depends on acting , the pain enhancing the illusion that the thread has pushed
its way through the magicians stomach .

The thread can then be pulled from the latex pocket.

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