Wednesday, April 9, 2008

U Find it

1. To set up the deck, sort all the Hearts into numerical order, Ace to King. Put them on the bottom of the deck

2. Set the deck face down on the table and ask a spectator to cut the deck, after that, tell them to look at the card they cut to.

3. Ask them to put the card on top of the opposite pile (on top of the original top card), and then ask them to complete the cut and square the cards the card neatly.

4. Now, ask them to turn the deck face up, and then ask your spectator to complete a cut again. (what u need them to do is to cut to one of the cards in the stack (face up) which u set up earlier, any heart). if you're lucky enough, they will do it the first time, if not simply ask them to cut the deck again, and if needed again.

5. After they cut to a card, in our example, 4, remember the card. And then have the deck turned face down and stare at the edge of the deck as if making some ingeniously long stupendous calculation. State their selection is 4 (the card) cards down from the top of the deck. And then ask them to deal three cards face down and turn over the fourth. It will be the card selected. It depends on what hearts they pick, if they pick 7 ask them to flip over 6 and the seventh card is theirs, Jack:11 Queen:12 King:13. Hope u like it :)))))))))

Red & Black

Effect: the magician takes his deck of cards and perform a few cuts

cut the deck into to packets. and asksthe spectators to take on packet.

the magician shuffles the DESK . Then shuffles his a few times .

he shows that the cards are black ,red , black,red etc. he puts his on the spectators and shuffles the hole deck and the hole desk is red,black,red etc

peperation: set your hole desk as red ,black,red,black etc. until your last card.

secret: so you have your deck set up.
all you have to do is to do a few fake cut or shuffles.

cut it into two halfs. now ask your spectators to take one packet.

now take the packet from then again do some fake shuffles or cuts

now take yours do some fake shuffles to yours.

take your look under eg: the card is red look at thier packet top card

Best Card Force Around


You riffle through the cards and call out stop and the spectator looks at the card they stoped at, and the bast part is the card truly came from the middle of the deck!


Start off with a normal deck of Bicycle rider back playing cards

Cut open the face down deck just above the middle

Take a look at the card you cut to

Memorize it

Move the card underneath it just under and inch towards yourself

Close up the deck


Riffle down throught the cards SLOWLY until the spectator says "STOP"

They quickly jump to the card to memorized

It should be easy because the card underneath it is sticking in towards you

P.S. It will be easier to riffle down the cards if they are on an angle

Card Switch

What it looks like:

You flip the top card, revealing the Ace of Spades. You then give this card to the spectator to hold, face down. You flip the next top card, which is the Ace of Clubs, and announce: "I'm going to switch these cards."
Your hands dart backwards and forwards, and you say: "Okay, I'm going to show you what I did, but in slow motion." So, you do it in slow motion, and quite obviously switch the cards. You then give back the Ace and say: "Okay, which one is the Ace of Spades, and which one is the Ace of Clubs?"
The spectator answers, and you ask them to show the cards to everybody, and they are two queens. This trick has made many a jaw drop, and is responsible for me being chased down a corridor by a school mate, who wanted to know how on Earth that trick was possible.

How it's done:

1. Arrange the top 4 cards like this: Ace of Spades, Red Queen, Red Queen, Ace of Clubs.
2. Flip the top card, showing the Ace of Spades, and give it to the spectator to hold face down, with his fingers on top and thumb on the bottom.
3. Do a triple lift (pick up three cards to look like 1) and show the Ace of Clubs. You then put the card face down, and take the top card (which is a queen) and slide the card under the spectators fingers and out again. You are actually doing nothing when you do this, it just feels like you switched them.
4. Do it in slow motion, and this time, actually switch them. So they have a face down Queen and you have the face down Ace.
5. 'Give them back their card.' You are actually NOT giving them back the Ace, but the other queen. To do this, get eye contact with the spectator, then slide out the Queen from the top of the deck, put the Ace on top and take the Queen.
6. So then, after giving them the queen, ask: "Which one is the Ace of Spades, and which one is the Ace of Clubs?" After they answer, get them to flip the cards, and BAM - They have changed!!!

Light Up a Card Trick

The name of a selected card "burns" itself into a normal lightbulb.

With a fine camel hair brush, paint the name of a card on a frosted lightbulb with lemon juice. Force this card on a person, then hand the bulb around for examination, place it in a socket and turn it on. The heat will cause the writing on the bulb to develop and reveal the name of the selected card.

NOTE FROM SATISH RAJA: If you don't know how to force a card, look in the "Easy Card Force 1 & 2" section of this Blog

Easy Card Force -2

Making the spectator pick the card YOU want,
while they think they’re picking the card THEY want.

Many times in a magic trick, you will need to make a spectator choose a specific card without realizing that they're picking the card you want them to pick.

Before starting the magic trick, secretly remember the top card of the deck. This is the “force card” that you will force your friend (the spectator) to choose, although s/he will think it is a "Pick a card, any card" kind of free choice.

Have the spectator lift up half the deck, and place it on the table. This is called cutting the deck. You now have two piles of cards, A and B. The card your friend will choose, the force card, is on the top of pile A. Keep track of where the force card is, and don’t forget it.

Tell the spectator you will mark where the cut was. Pick up pile B, and place it sideways on top of pile A. The pictures show how this is done.

Ask the spectator if s/he has seen the card yet, and when s/he says no, lift pile B, and have the spectator take the top card of pile A. Your friend will think this is where s/he cut the deck of cards, so when the card is picked up, they will think it is their card.

Now that the spectator has "chosen" your card, you can go on with whatever magic trick you had planned.

A simple magic effect would be to pretend to concentrate for a moment and then name the force card! Only a magician could know the value of a card without looking at it, and now you can too!

Easy Card Force -1

Easy Card Force Number One:

Making the spectator pick the card YOU want,
while they think they’re picking the card THEY want.

Once again, secretly remember the top card of deck. You will also need a scarf that you cannot see through. Hold the deck in your hand, and drape the scarf over it.

Here comes the important move. Under cover of the scarf, turn the deck upside-down in your hand. The photos are shown without the scarf. The spectator can not see it, since the hanky is covering it up, so s/he will think it is normal.

Now have the spectator lift up the top half of the deck.

Before the scarf uncovers your hand, turn the bottom half of the deck right-side up. When the spectator takes the top card off the deck in your hand, s/he will think it is the chosen card.

Flats and Rounds

Effect: The magician splits a deck of cards in half and gives each half to 2 different spectators. The Magician then asks the spectators to take any card(free choice)from their half of cards and to memorize it. Then he/she tells them to place their card into the other spectators deck. They take the halves and spread them face up on a flat surface. Then they mysteriously know which cards the spectators picked, without there being a specific pattern or order.

Secret: The secret to this trick is that there is a special order to the cards, but it isn't exactly and order. Before performing the trick, the magician seperates the deck into two seperate piles, flats, and rounds. The way to tell wich are rounds, and which are flats is that the flats(or sharps)are pointed or flat on top of the number or letter(not the pip). Rounds are rounded. Scroll all of the way down to see a reference list at the bottom if you are confused. When you place the two seperate halves together, (eg. rounds on top, flats on bottom) remember the last round before the first of the flats. For example, if your last round is the 2 of hearts, make sure to remember it!

Method: Tell your two spectators that you are going to split the deck what you think is about half way. What you are really doing is splitting to your last round so that you have your orignal piles of flats and rounds. Then give one pack to one person, and the second to the other. Tell them to pick any card from their pack and to memorize it. Once they have done that, let them swap decks(not cards!)and to place their chosen cards into the others deck. Take the decks from them and spread them face up on a flat surface. Make sure that they can see there is no special order. After only a moment, it will be pretty obvious to you whose card is whose becuase there will be only one flat in the rounds, and one round in the flats. Say some sort of patter(nothing cheesy!) and reveal that you have found their cards. They will be amazed, and you can even repeat the trick, as long as the cards are never shuffled as one whole deck.

FLATS: Ace, 3's, 4's, 5's, 7's, jack's, king's

ROUNDS: 2's, 6's, 8's, 9's, 10's, Queen's
can you see the pattern?

Note: Depending on your pack, 3's might be round

Ur Card is...

You produce a normal deck of playing cards and ask a

spectator to cut the deck anywhere they like. They remove

the card they’ve cut to without letting you see it and

concentrate on its design.

After a few moments concentration, you announce the exact

card they’ve chosen. You have read their mind!

You’ll need a normal deck of cards but you need to arrange them in

a special order. Mentalists refer to this as a stacked deck.

One of the easiest methods of stacking a deck is the Si Stebbins

system. In this system, each card has a value; a jack is valued 11, a

queen 12 and a king 13. All the other cards take their respective

value, with an ace valued 1.

The suits are also arranged in the order clubs, hearts, spades,

diamonds. The easiest way to remember this is by the word



lubs Hearts Spades Diamonds.

Start with any club, then for the next card in the stack add 3 to its

value and make it a heart. For the next card, add 3 again and make

it a spade. For the next card, add 3 again and make it a diamond.

When you’re adding 3 to 11, 12 or 13, subtract 13 to get the value

of the next card. The system repeats like this until the whole deck is


For instance, if you started with the 3 of clubs (3C), the stacked

order would be:

3C, 6H, 9S, QD, 2C, 5H, 8S and so on.

Place the cards face up as you stack them.

When displaying the deck to your spectator, make sure you fan

them and let them see the faces. Don't make a point of this – just

fan them as you say "normal deck of cards". Whatever you do, don't

say "As you can see, they're in no particular order!" Statements like

this should be implied non-verbally.

This is important later on, if the spectator tries to 'reconstruct' the

trick and work out how it was done. If they can remember you

casually spreading the cards, they'll discount any theories about the

deck being in a special order or perhaps all the same card.

Put the stacked deck face down on the table and invite a spectator

to cut the deck anywhere they like. Get them to place the top half of

the deck face down next to the bottom half. Invite them to take the

top card from the bottom deck and keep it secret.

Pickup up the bottom half of the deck, place it on the top half and

then pick up the whole deck. You now need to glance at the bottom

card on the deck and there are a couple of ways of doing this. You

can either put the cards back into their box, casually glancing at the

bottom card as you do so. Better still, hold the deck in front of you,

as if demonstrating to the spectator how to hold their card. Either

method will need a simple verbal misdirection such has "Now hold

your card up, still keeping it secret and concentrate on the design."

As they concentrate, ask them to look into your eyes. Pretend you

are looking for subtle psychological clues as to the value of their

card. Look at micro-movements in their facial muscles also.

All you need to do to name their card is work out the next one in the

sequence. So if the bottom card was the ace of hearts, their card is

the four of spades. Rather than just simply naming their card,

increase the drama and effect of mind-reading by revealing it bit by

bit. The color first, then whether it is a low, high or picture card.

Then name the card in full.

To really play with the system, you can subtly suggest that you are

about to read the wrong card. For instance, if the spectator's card is

the nine of clubs, you might reveal it in the following way:

"OK, its a black card, yes?" Look for visual confirmation.

"I'm getting an 'i' ... 'i' ... five ... a five? No, sounds like five –

its a nine, yes?"

"Definitely not a spade so it must be the nine of clubs!"

Another method of revealing the chosen card is to draw it on a

notepad. Keep your drawing hidden, then invite the spectator to turn

around their card and announce the design. You can then flip over

your notepad, revealing the same design.

This is a terrific routine and with a little thought, the Si Stebbins

stack can be used for many other mind reading effects. What’s

more, the stack is instantly ready to use again simply by putting the

spectator’s chosen card on top of the deck face down.

After revealing these first two effects, I want to address something

you might be feeling. Disappointment.

If you're disappointed to discover you're not divining the chosen

card by reading body language or subtle facial expressions, get

used to it! This is the way all mind reading illusions work.

If it were genuinely possible to read a person's innermost thoughts,

feelings or memories in that way, then the performer would be

decades ahead of the greatest psychologists in the field.

It is all an illusion. You need to sell the idea to your audience and

volunteers through your performance. This is something we'll come

back to throughout the book.

Coin Pen Key

Simply Copy and Paste these instructions onto Word and print, or memorize them

Coin, Pen, Key

1. Arrange the items in any way you want.

2. Exchange the coin for the item nearest to the right of the coin. If no item is in the right, leave the coin where it is.

3. Exchange the key for the nearest item to the left of the key. If no item is in the left, leave the key where it is.

4. Exchange the pen for the nearest item to the right of the pen. If no item on the right, leave the pen where it is.

5. Pick up the item on the far left and put it in your left pocket

6. Pick up the smaller of the two items and put it in your right pocket

7. Pick up the remaining item and put it in your shirt pocket

This is where they will end up

Key in left pocket
Coin in right pocket
Pen in shirt pocket

Heart Stop

Effect: A spectator feels your pulse on your arm. Suddenly your pulse drops and then stops completely.

Secret: A tennis ball (You need this. If not experiment with different things untill you get the effect)

1. Take the tennis ball and put it under your shirt in your armpit. (Make sure that the spectator doesn't see it)

2. Make the Spectator feel your pulse on your arm like this:

Im not sure that you can do the bottom one, but you can try it if your want.

3. Squeze the tennis ball (Thats under your armpit), when you want your heart to stop and release when you want your heart to start again.


Going, Going, Gone!

Today's trick will teach you how to make small objects disappear. Flat objects, like coins, work the best...don't try this trick with anything round like a ball.

EFFECT: You ask your friend to guess 'heads or tails', but before they can even guess, the whole coin disappears!

SECRET: The coin actually hides on top of your head!

METHOD: Here's how to get it there. First of all, make sure that you are standing NEXT to your spectator. You should both be facing either the same way, or perpendicular to each other. This positioning is very important for keeping the secret.

Watch the demo video, when I actually perform the vanish, all you see is my hands. Your hands and arms should be the only thing in the field of vision of your spectator. If they can see your head...they may figure the trick out.

Hold your left hand out palm up (as if you were asking for money!) and hold a coin with the thumb and fingertips of your right hand. (Feel free to switch hands if you're more comfortable the other way.)

Tap the coin on your palm up hand, but not just little taps. No way, to do this trick you need big swooping taps. In fact, tap the top of your head with the coin after every time that you tap your left hand. Make it all one smooth motion in a big arc.

Your friend will probably wonder what the heck you are doing, so before you do this trick, distract them by telling them that they are going to have to guess heads or tails.

If you say that, then the audience (your friend) is more likely to look at your left hand. The left hand is where you want your friend to look because the right hand is going to do the 'dirty work' and hide the coin. Don't let anybody see the 'dirty work' or they'll figure out the trick.

So after you've tapped your left hand (and your head) with the coin about 3 or 4 times, you're ready for the secret move. All you have to do is instead of tapping your head with the coin, leave the coin on top of your head. Don't even pause a beat...keep your motion smooth.

When you come back down to tap your left hand, close your left hand pretending like the coin is inside. Now ask your friend: 'Heads or tails'. No matter what he says, open both hands to show that the coin is completely gone!

If your friend is sitting down then he/she will not be able to see the coin sitting neatly on top of your head!

Psycho Kinetic Time

This trick does not require any gimmicks.

Props: Someone wearing an analogue watch (a watch with an long stem that's easy to manipulate quickly. i.e.: SEIKO watches)

Preparation: You need to wear a watch of your own with the wrong time.

Method: Ask your victim for his watch with an excuse like, "I think my time is wrong can I see yours for a second?" Borrow the watch for a minute and examine it look at it, state what time it has, and say, "is this the right time, I need to know." Now glance at the time on YOUR watch, and draw attention to it by setting its time. While they looking at you, set the time on YOUR watch. Your other hand is moving their stem so THEIR time moved forward 25 minutes. Now have them sandwich their watch between their hands, and ask them to pick a number from 10 through 30. Most people will pick 25 if they pick 20, they won't notice it's off by five minutes when you reveal that the hands of their watch have moved forward in time.... If they pick something below that number, tell them to make it harder, and pick a higher number. It gets them everytime... just remember to give a great patter when doing this trick. TIPS: I recommend trying to do this on nervous or shy people so they don't know what you're doing. The key to this trick is misdirection , but it's very easy to get caught.