Effect: The magician splits a deck of cards in half and gives each half to 2 different spectators. The Magician then asks the spectators to take any card(free choice)from their half of cards and to memorize it. Then he/she tells them to place their card into the other spectators deck. They take the halves and spread them face up on a flat surface. Then they mysteriously know which cards the spectators picked, without there being a specific pattern or order.

Secret: The secret to this trick is that there is a special order to the cards, but it isn't exactly and order. Before performing the trick, the magician seperates the deck into two seperate piles, flats, and rounds. The way to tell wich are rounds, and which are flats is that the flats(or sharps)are pointed or flat on top of the number or letter(not the pip). Rounds are rounded. Scroll all of the way down to see a reference list at the bottom if you are confused. When you place the two seperate halves together, (eg. rounds on top, flats on bottom) remember the last round before the first of the flats. For example, if your last round is the 2 of hearts, make sure to remember it!

Method: Tell your two spectators that you are going to split the deck what you think is about half way. What you are really doing is splitting to your last round so that you have your orignal piles of flats and rounds. Then give one pack to one person, and the second to the other. Tell them to pick any card from their pack and to memorize it. Once they have done that, let them swap decks(not cards!)and to place their chosen cards into the others deck. Take the decks from them and spread them face up on a flat surface. Make sure that they can see there is no special order. After only a moment, it will be pretty obvious to you whose card is whose becuase there will be only one flat in the rounds, and one round in the flats. Say some sort of patter(nothing cheesy!) and reveal that you have found their cards. They will be amazed, and you can even repeat the trick, as long as the cards are never shuffled as one whole deck.

FLATS: Ace, 3's, 4's, 5's, 7's, jack's, king's

ROUNDS: 2's, 6's, 8's, 9's, 10's, Queen's
can you see the pattern?

Note: Depending on your pack, 3's might be round