Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Coin Pen Key

Simply Copy and Paste these instructions onto Word and print, or memorize them

Coin, Pen, Key

1. Arrange the items in any way you want.

2. Exchange the coin for the item nearest to the right of the coin. If no item is in the right, leave the coin where it is.

3. Exchange the key for the nearest item to the left of the key. If no item is in the left, leave the key where it is.

4. Exchange the pen for the nearest item to the right of the pen. If no item on the right, leave the pen where it is.

5. Pick up the item on the far left and put it in your left pocket

6. Pick up the smaller of the two items and put it in your right pocket

7. Pick up the remaining item and put it in your shirt pocket

This is where they will end up

Key in left pocket
Coin in right pocket
Pen in shirt pocket

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